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At MA Belts, we believe that belts have no value on their own. Like many things in life, belts are representative: they represent what you’ve earned through hard work, tenacity, perseverance and a desire and willingness to learn and grow.

We strived to present a belt that was high quality but affordable. We know many academies have to purchase tens or hundreds of belts at a time… if we could make a belt that was half the price, would that benefit academies? Perhaps that would allow some academies to waive their testing fees altogether. Or open up the doors to offer more opportunities for low-income students. We want as many students to be able to participate in martial arts as would like to.

We’ve spent countless hours sourcing our product, doing research within the martial arts industry to expand our knowledge base, talking to customers and potential customers in the hopes of making this dream of ours come true. We welcome any and all feedback you have for us in regards to our products, our company and our business. We hope to grow and expand our product offering in the future, but we figured: what better place to start than with the basics?